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Product Marketing Careers with Ruby Dinh ’10, ’11, Product Marketing Manager, Amazon Business

10月22日, 2021 @
12:15 p.m.
- 1:15 p.m. 东部时间
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日期: 10月22日
时间: 12:15pm – 1:15pm
Type of Event: 虚拟

Ruby DinhAlumna Ruby Dinh is an expert in omni-channel marketing analytics, with a long record of success driving customer growth through impactful retail, 打印, and digital marketing programs.

From a start in driving promotional analytics for 200+ retail stores, Ruby went on to optimize billions of square inches of catalog space before planning and executing the test plan for the third-biggest revenue-driving email channel.

目前, she sits at the intersection of brand and CRM, leveraging experience in customer push marketing vehicles and primary/secondary research to develop a two-year customer strategy for a heritage company in the process of a major rebranding.

Ruby is passionate about serving as a customer advocate through planning and go-to-market strategies, including positioning, 销售, content, 和定位.  She has played a key role in the continued success of high-profile brands, including Tommy Hilfiger and L.L. 豆.

All students should register to attend on 握手.

The general Clark community may join by requesting the Zoom link through 凯利科钦, SCMC associate director.


10月22日, 2021
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

